President's Message

President's Message

President's Message - April 2024

Change is hard. We’ve all heard that a million times and yet we know that change is an inevitable, important part of life. If we’re being honest with ourselves, we love to live our lives hanging out in our comfort zones. From the time we are young when our parents introduced this concept in the name of trying to do what’s best for us, we often fight it. 

As parents, we try to avoid imposing it on our kids because we know that our kids won’t like it. We tell ourselves that our kids don’t handle change well or that maybe it’s not good for their mental health. But really, maybe it’s in part because we don’t want the pushback, the arguments, the tears.

Staying in the same place – even when it’s not the right place – is a comfortable place to be. 

Change is uncomfortable, but it’s also necessary. It teaches us resiliency. It helps us to grow and adapt to new environments, new situations, and even new people. Positive or negative, it shapes us, motivates us, and transforms. I’d even go so far as to say that it can also lead to gratitude.

Why all this talk of change? Because here we are, still at the start of a new year. It’s spring and we see change all around us - that includes our wonderful club of incredible women.

As we navigate this time with trying out new venues to meet at with new speakers that inspire us, we know this change is unwelcome for some and we know that you won’t always like what we’re doing. As leadership who strive to do our best as we represent you, our goal is the same: to connect you with causes and candidates you care about AND to get Republicans elected to office.

We don’t get together for the food or the venue – though meeting in a nice place is nice. We get together to learn and grow. Spending time with likeminded friends is the icing. We hope you’ll continue to join us and invite your friends no matter where we are.

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